Thursday 1st May 2014

Main – CrossFit


Spend 30 minutes working on your goal from last week.

Choose one from the following, remember you must work your strict pull ups before kipping and have a solid kipping pull-up before chasing the chest to bar pull ups.
If you can do all the movements choose the one, which is your weakest.

– Strict pull-ups
– Pull-ups
– Chest to bar pull-ups

-Toes to bar
-Handstand push-ups
-Muscle ups


3 Rounds of:
In a 2-minute window complete the following:

-200m Run
In the remaining time complete
– Max reps of the goal you have been working on.

(Rest 1 minute)

– 200m Run
– Max Toes to bar in the remaining time

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)