In a team of 4 complete the following:
10 minutes to establish:
– 1 rep max Clean and Jerk as a team:
Athlete 1 Cleans the Barbell to the shoulder, from there x2 Athletes come in and hold the barbell at either end, acting as a rack. Athlete 2 takes the barbell out of the human rack and completes the Jerk.
In the team of 4 you will have x2 Cleaners and x2 Jerkers. Once that has been decided you cannot switch!
At the end you will have your heaviest weight lifted as a team. A successful lift is one that has been Cleaned and Jerked. If the barbell is Cleaned but the Jerk is missed the lift does not count.
(Rest 2 minutes)
(12 minute time cap)
2 Rounds of:
-12 Deadlifts (50kg/70kg)
-9 Hang Power Cleans (50kg/70kg)
-6 Push Jerks (50kg/70kg)
Each team member must complete 2 rounds each of the workout.
Athlete 1 starts they complete 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 Push Jerks, immediately followed by the 2nd round. Once their last round is done they run and tag Athlete 2 to start. Once all 4 team members have completed their two rounds time is called
(Rest 2 minutes)
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
-Run 1 mile
In the remaining time max Double unders
The team do not need to run together, they do not need to wait for their team to get back before starting their double unders. Only one person working at one time on the double unders.
Reduce weight
Single Skips