Friday 30th October 2015

Death by Pistols 

10 Rounds of:

– 40 Double unders

– 10 Kettlebell swings (16kg/24kg)

On the minute every minute,

– Death by Pistols

You must try to complete the 10 Rounds before you pistols ‘kill’ you. After 3,2,1, Go you start the double unders and KB swings, if you complete a round before it reaches 1 minute. Once the clock strikes 1 minute you must complete 1 Pistol. You then go back to the double unders and KB Swings. Each time a minute passes you must complete the number of pistols for the corresponding time. i.e 1 minute=1 pistol, 2 minutes=2 pistols etc.

If you are not able to complete the number of pistols in the corresponding time, you have essentially been killed by the pistols.


Reduce the number of Double unders/ Single skips

Reduce weight

Assisted Pistols


5 rounds + 3 Pistols