Tuesday 6th May 2014

Main – CrossFit


– Spend 10 minutes working on the muscle up progressions

– Spend 10 minutes making improvements in the Deadlift


4 Rounds for time, of;

AMRAP in 4 minutes of;
– 4 Deadlifts (70kg/105kg)
– 4 Muscle-ups
– 4 Wall balls (6kg/9kg)

5,5,5 6,6,6, keep increasing the number of reps by one each round until the 4 minutes is over.

(Rest 1 minute)

After the 1-minute rest you start back at the Deadlifts for 4 reps, etc
Record score for each round!

Deadlifts- Reduce weight
Muscle-ups- Muscle up progression

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)