Tuesday 21st January 2014

Main – CrossFit


Improving movement in the box jump and Ab-mat sit-up.
Box Jumps= Reduce height of Box or Step up
Sit-ups= Hollow rocks

B: Pull-ups
You must be able to do strict pull-ups before attempting to learn kipping pull-ups.

– If you do not have strict pull-ups you will work on developing that strength.
– If you can do strict pull-ups you will be going through the progressions for the kipping pull-up.
– If you can do kipping pull-ups you will be trying to make your pull-ups more efficient.

– Banded pull-ups
– Ring rows


Metcon (Time)

10-9- 8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1

– Kipping pull-ups
– Box jump (24″/30″)
– Ab-mat sit-ups

(TIME CAP= 10 minutes)

How to record your time if you did not finish it under the time cap

For every rep uncompleted add 1 second

you completed up to:
6 Pull-ups, 6 Box Jumps and 3 Ab-mat sit ups
Your time is:
= 48
Your time would be the time cap of 10 minutes plus 48 = 10:48