Main – CrossFit
Break down the thruster with an empty barbell using the progressions
– Front squat
– Push press
– Thruster
Warm up to the weight in the workout
Every minute on the minute, complete
5 Thrusters.
Every 3 minutes increase in weight by 10kg.
Workout is over when you cannot complete the 5 Thrusters within the minute, or you hit the 12 minute time cap.
From 0:00-3:00 use (20kg/35kg)
From 3:00-6:00 use (30kg/45kg)
From 6:00-9:00 use (40kg/55kg)
From 9:00-12:00 use (50kg/65kg)
Changing the weight must be completed within the minute, there is no additional time given.
Reduce weight