Friday 14th August 2015


In a team of 4, Complete the following for time:

-9 Toes to bar

-20m Prowler push (80kg/120kg)

-12 Toes to bar

-20m Prowler push


-15 Toes to bar

-20m Prowler push


-18 Toes to bar

-20m Prowler push


-21 Toes to bar

-20m Prowler push


Athlete 1 pushes the prowler 20m, Athlete 2 pushes the prowler 20m, Athlete 3 pushes the prowler 20m, Athlete 4 pushes the prowler 20m.  All athlete can now move to toes to bar. Once an athlete has started the 20m they must complete the full 20m before passing off to the next athlete.

Toes to bar
The reps are per person..

Two athletes are working at the same time for the toes to bar only and each athlete must complete 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 reps each

Once athlete 1 and 2 are both finished with their toes to bar athlete 3 and 4 can start their toes to bar.

The team must move together, so athlete 1 and 2 must stay with athlete 3 and 4 until all toes to bar are finished. They all, as a team can then go back to the Prowler. Same is for the reverse. No athletes can go inside until everyone has finished their prowler pushes.


Reduce weight

Knees to elbows/ Knees to arm pits/ Ab-mat sit-ups