8th Feb 2010 – Workout of the Day

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400m run
10 wallball
10 swings
10 Lunges 10 squats


Back squat
Front squat

Workout of the Day

400m run
10 thrusters
20 pushups
30 squats
30 OH Lunges
20 box jumps
10 thursters
400m run

Scores – Lift /WOD

Matt – 100 FS/ 12.13
Andy B – 90 BS/ 12.51
Rach – 57.5 BS / 10.16
Rich – 102.5 BS / 13.34
Jay – 85 FS / 10.30
Mark – 100 FS / 10.25
Scott – 90 FS / 10.35