Set a new goal for March and start working on it!
Make sure to pick one goal only, it should be detailed and realistic!
In 6 minutes complete the following;
– 400m Run
– 30 Double unders
– Max Shoulder to overhead (40kg/60kg)
(3 minute rest)
In 5 minutes complete the following;
– 400m Run
– 30 Double unders
– Max Power cleans (40kg/60kg)
(3 minutes rest)
In 4 minutes complete the following;
– 400m Run
– 30 Double unders
– Max Pull-ups
Additional notes
Double unders = 60 Singles
Pull ups = Jumping pull ups
When picking a goal to work on make sure to pick JUST ONE goal, you only have one month and it’s best to focus all your attention to one. Remember there’s always next month.
It’s all about small changes each day that build the bigger picture, don’t be in a rush to try and learn everything. Also make sure your goal is realistic and detailed. For example;
John – Double unders
The first thing is, can John skip? If he doesn’t have the co-ordination to single skip, double unders will be even more difficult. So his starting point would be “20 unbroken single skips”
If he can skip, great, but by just writing “double unders” on the whiteboard he’s not holding himself accountable to anything, has nothing to aim for, so he won’t work to achieve his goal.
What everyone should be thinking when deciding their goal is; What do I want the outcome to be?
In this instance we’ll say that John can skip but hasn’t managed to get his first double under yet. He should write his goal like this;
John – Learn double unders and get 1-3 double unders!
John has acknowledged that he needs to be shown how to do double unders and then given himself a realistic goal to aim for.